Nomination pools are a new feature for Polkadot’s staking system that allows users to pool their DOT tokens together on-chain to nominate validators and receive rewards, significantly improving the system’s scalability. Now, anyone with as little as 1 DOT can receive rewards for staking natively on Polkadot.

One downside of nomiantion pools is no ability to auto compound rewards. Each pool member needs to claim their rewards manualy or give permissions for other accounts to do it for them.

DOZENODES (Polkadot pool id 3 and Kusama pool id 24) are one of the few nomination pools that automatically compound the rewards for members that choose to set proper permissions. After each era ends automatic script claims and compunds rewards for all DOZENODES pool memebrs if PermissionlessCompound or PermissionlessAll are set and ther claimable reward is above 2 DOT or 0.1 KSM.

See the Staking Dashboard page for more information about how to set your claim permissions.

On top of that validators nominated by our pool are hand picked and reviewed regularly to ensure highest rewards.